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Hopes on Jeddah talks between warring factions as Sudan war rages on

Sudanese are pinning their hopes on talks in Jeddah between envoys of warring factions to end bloodshed that has killed hundreds and triggered a mass exodus,...

Kenya’s starvation cult left 100 dead -how to offer support as people process tragedy

In early April 2023, Kenyan police discovered a mass grave linked to a Pentecostal church in the coastal town of Malindi. By the end of the...

Paul Kagame could be president of Rwanda until 2035 – what’s behind his staying power

Rwanda’s ruling party, the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), recently concluded its 16th congress. This also marked 35 years of its existence. The centre piece, however, was the...

World Press Freedom Day- gauging claims of press freedom

“On this World Press Freedom Day, I would like to congratulate journalists who educate, inform, and engage their communities.  We have seen many journalists lately...

Why Africa must invest in agriculture and infrastructure

The First Law of Economics, the joke has it, is that for every economist there exists an equal and opposite economist. The Second Law of...


Alur King visits Omukama in Bunyoro

On Friday, King Phillip Olarker Ubimu Rauni III of...

‘Bunyoro Kingdom’ appoints interim Rukurato members

The Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom has elected heads of clans as interim...

Poll shows corruption pushing 60% of Africa’s youth to emigrate

Sixty percent of African youth are looking to leave...

Rwanda is building post-genocide modern cities – this alone won’t help communities heal from the past

Over the past 17 years, Rwanda has cleared informal settlements to...