Use oil and gas sector to mainstream and promote mice tourism

Tourism in Uganda is an increasingly important contributor to its economy. The 1.5 million international tourists combined with a growing number of domestic tourists contributes to over 7.75% of Uganda’s Gross Domestic Product. In the year 2018, tourism contributed over 6.7% of total national employment. This has been largely from nature-based tourism. Uganda has the… Continue reading Use oil and gas sector to mainstream and promote mice tourism

Categorised as Opinion

Is the respect for Bunyoro at question?

Whereas Bunyoro Kitara-Kingdom is supposed to be non-partisan, it is surely meant to be political. Apolitical societies only attract fools to lead them. Bunyoro must decide whether to shape leadership or the political leadership to shape it towards the direction of disrespect, following and extinction. I have opted to be humble. My sibling normally tells… Continue reading Is the respect for Bunyoro at question?

Categorised as Opinion

The Muhoozi army, a threat to the peace of Uganda

None peaceful political transitions have characterised Uganda’s governance for the entire post-independence era. As early as 2001, this culture of violence was introduced into Uganda’s politics and the electoral process. The violence escalated through the 2006 and 2011 elections reaching epic levels during the 2016 and 2021elections. Violence will turn out to be a response… Continue reading The Muhoozi army, a threat to the peace of Uganda

Youth engagement for peace is more than needed

The world through the United Nation’s agenda 2030 targeted to realize decent work and economic growth (agenda 5), no poverty (agenda 1) and peace and justice strong institutions (agenda 16). How this is being delivered across board leave a lot to be answered as regards meaningful youth engagement. The Greatlakes region is a hub of… Continue reading Youth engagement for peace is more than needed

Don’t hibernate Bunyoro, at least vibrate it

In the recent 3 months, Bunyoro has been challenged by appeals for cessations. In our history, we knew Bunyoro for annexing other territories. Well, the question is not whether we should discuss annexation or cessation of loyalty of greater Kibaale or Buliisa or the new looming Kiryandongo but asking ourselves what is causing this. For… Continue reading Don’t hibernate Bunyoro, at least vibrate it

Whose attitude is the Parish Development Model addressing?

I have interacted with the Parish Development Model twice this month. One was during a Civil Society Organisations interaction with Hoima district Local Government and the other was when I was tasked by Uganda Human Rights Commission to engage youths on mindset change in Kikuube district. In both, I was spot on the mindset change… Continue reading Whose attitude is the Parish Development Model addressing?

How the year ends is insignificant if you don’t reflect and plan

There are two fundamental things in life; planning and reflection. These are critical to shaping how we all make decisions and repeat or learn from our mistakes. At the end of each year, people are persuaded to make annual resolutions, annual plans and refocus their organisations. Few do the same for their dear lives. For… Continue reading How the year ends is insignificant if you don’t reflect and plan