
East African countries hosting refugees close to borders as a deliberate war strategy

There are close to 4 million people living in refugee camps across Africa. Of the more than 300 camps, nearly 70% are situated within 30km-50km of...

Kenya’s starvation cult left 100 dead -how to offer support as people process tragedy

In early April 2023, Kenyan police discovered a mass grave linked to a Pentecostal church in the coastal town of Malindi. By the end of the...

Why Africa must invest in agriculture and infrastructure

The First Law of Economics, the joke has it, is that for every economist there exists an equal and opposite economist. The Second Law of...

The Muhoozi army, a threat to the peace of Uganda

None peaceful political transitions have characterised Uganda’s governance for the entire post-independence era. As early as 2001, this culture of violence was introduced into Uganda’s...

What Will Happen in Sudan?

Despite an announced humanitarian ceasefire, fighting continues into a fifth day in Khartoum and elsewhere in Sudan.  International appeals for renewed talks have so far...


