Police detain Kikuube district councilor


By Peace Lawrence Ayesigwa and Robert Atuhairwe 

Police are holding Nestoli Tuwmesige, the in Kikuube district councilor for Kyangwali Sub-County on allegations of assault.

The Albertine region police spokesperson, Julius Hakiza, told Journalists on Thursday at the regional police headquarters in Hoima City that the said councilor was arrested on Wednesday for assaulting the female councilor for Kiziranfumbi sub-county, Zulia Mbalirwa on April 29, 2022.

The incident which happened at Nyairongo village when the councillors and other district top echelons had accompanied State Minister for Lands, Samuel Mayanja, to Kyangwali.

The minister was on a fact-find mission on how the eviction of some encroachers who were doing illegal logging and charcoal burner in an area which ecologists say is part of Bugoma central forest reserve that Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom leased to Hoima Sugar Ltd for sugarcane growing for 99 years at sh3.9b.

Sources said Tuwmesige is said to have attacked Mbalirwa because she had come in the area which is not of her jurisdiction.

Other sources said Tumwesige allegedly accused Mbalirwa of supporting the Kikuube Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Amlan Tumusiime who had okayed the eviction.

Tumwesige was arrested from the offices of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) at Kikuube trading centre after Mbalirwa filed an assault case against him at Kikuube central police station.

Hakiza condemned the act, arguing that Tumwesige as a leader is supposed to lead an exemplary life.

The police publicist said Tumwesige will be arraigned before court once investigations are complete, adding that his file has been sanctioned by the resident State Attorney for perusal.


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