Terego launch sh7.2b infrastructure projects


Terego district local government has launched three projects worth sh7.2b under Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP). The projects under the Office of the Prime Minister are being funded by the World Bank.

They include the construction of a sh3.096b administration block comprising of office spaces and a council hall undertaken by Development Infrastructure and a sh537m modern Medical Store within which office spaces will be fitted for the Health staff by Jamo Company Limited in Ngala’bia cell at the district headquarters.

The district will also benefit from the design and build project of 20 metre double span of Oru Bridge on Komendaku- Duku road plus 300 metre road tarmacking that is been constructed by Tic Lokere Enterprise Ltd at a cost of sh3.591b.

Otim Benson, the Chief Administrative officer of Terego district said these projects come as a blessing to the youngest district in the country and asks for more as the (district) is still grappling with infrastructural challenges that need a lot of funding from the central government.

Otim explained that construction of administration block is expected to take 12 months, the bridge construction will take 9 months while the modern medical store shall take 6 months.

Wilfred Saka, the Terego district chairperson said during the launch last week that the district executive committee approved Oru Bridge construction project with pain of the suffering of the communities in accessing social services, noting that at least 11 refugees and uncounted number of residents have perished in the river especially during the rainy season.

According to Saka, Duku parish which is across river Oru is one of the fertile areas in the district where agriculture is at its peak but most of the farmers are limited by poor access to better roads to enable them transport their produce to the main market in Kubala where a good number of buyers for their produce are located

“The unnavigable bridge has not only affected monitoring, and supervision of government programs but has also shutdown businesses, access to medical care, and other social amenities, we have to use that main route through Tara in Maracha district, Adi’bo in Yumbe district to access the people in Duku Parish then back to Terego district which has been tedious and resource consuming. I think iam the happiest as we shall be driving, riding not hanging on peoples backs while crossing the river,” Saka said

Lucy Candiru a resident in Duku Parish says pregnant women suffer most in accessing health services as the nearest health facility which is Omugo Health Centre IV is inaccessible during rainy season.

“There are no boats and other alternatives to rescue mothers in times of emergencies,” she added.

Candiru said others now resorted to traditional birth attendants as the immediate option for help despite being banned by the government.

“We don’t have health Centre II around, a reason they can’t walk all that long district through Yumbe, Maracha and then they reach Omugo health center IV, even accessing markets for bulky produces is difficult,” Candiru noted

Nyakuci John Bosco the LCIII chairperson of Leju town council says despite several development projects coming to the district less attention has been put to change the face of the town council stressing that the town council needs a storage house for its administration block, modern market, abattoir and a taxi park for revenue enhancement tasking the area Members of Parliament (MPs) to lobby for funds.

Etrima Sunday Olise the Chief Executive Director Development Infrastructure the company contracted to construct the district administration block who represented all the contractors pledge timely delivery of quality works.

Obiga Kania, the State Minister for Lands Housing and Urban Development who also doubles as an MP for Terego East Constituency presiding over the ground breaking for the projects emphasised on the need for the district to utilise safeguard the area land from grabbers and avert land shortage especially at the district headquarters.

Records from the chief administrative officer Terego district reveal that in a space of two years Terego district has spent on 101 projects worth Sh21.691b to develop her infrastructure under the the same project since the commencement of the district in 2020.



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