The Albertine


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Ntsika Kota Makes History as the First Eswatini Writer to Win a Commonwealth Short Story Prize

The Eswatini author Ntsika Kota has won the 2022 Commonwealth Short Story Prize (Africa region) for his short story “and the earth drank deep” described by...

12 Billion Dollar Companies That Started In Garages

When we think of the most successful companies in the world, we seem to have this vision of them already having huge great big...

How Raila, Uhuru last ditch efforts to get Kalonzo failed

Details of the last-minute attempts by President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM chief Raila Odinga to retain Wiper boss Kalonzo Musyoka in Azimio coalition have...

New dawn for African animated storytelling

Owning the narrative provides us as Africans the opportunity to showcase the best of our continent’s creativity, rich culture and personalised perspectives. Animation technology...

The empire Robert Mugabe built is collapsing like a castle built on sand

By AFP What you need to know: ‘Gucci Grace’ will, however, still live comfortably for the rest of her life even if the businesses that her...


Alur King visits Omukama in Bunyoro

On Friday, King Phillip Olarker Ubimu Rauni III of...

‘Bunyoro Kingdom’ appoints interim Rukurato members

The Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom has elected heads of clans as interim...

Poll shows corruption pushing 60% of Africa’s youth to emigrate

Sixty percent of African youth are looking to leave...

Rwanda is building post-genocide modern cities – this alone won’t help communities heal from the past

Over the past 17 years, Rwanda has cleared informal settlements to...