
Teen invents soap for treating skin cancer, wins $25,000 as America’s top young scientist

What if handwashing, a simple measure to prevent the common flu, could also offer protection against skin cancer? The idea may sound audacious, but it...

Poor oral hygiene linked to heart attacks, cancer and renal failure

Abnormal bacterial communities in the oral cavity have been linked to liver disease, renal failure, cancers, heart disease and hypertension. The oral cavity is the door to the gastrointestinal tract and the rest of the...

Foods good for your health

Banana was named the first superfood after World War II being a good source of potassium. They are also rich in Vitamin B6 and...

Easy Stretches to Prevent Back Pain

From slouching at your desk to overdoing it at the gym, many everyday activities can lead to back pain. Regular stretching helps protect your...

Frustration mount in community over poor service delivery at Hoima hospital

At the front gate near the main entrance, a waste spilling cesspool warns of surprises awaiting a first time visitor inside Hoima regional referral...


