Kikuube residents benefit from free medical camp

Residents receiving healthcare services at no cost on Wednesday in Kikuube district. Credit: Courtesy.

The focus was comprehensive, addressing infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid, and HIV, alongside non-communicable conditions like hypertension and diabetes.

Categorised as Health

Oil discovery blamed for increasing HIV in Bunyoro

Stakeholders reacts to the report during a regional AIDS/HIV meeting at Hoima district Local Government offices on May 16. Credit: Robert Atuhairwe/The Albertine Journal.

An estimated 83,055 people are living with HIV/AIDS in the Bunyoro sub-region, with an HIV prevalence among adults of 5.5%, compared to a national HIV prevalence of 5.2%. Hoima has the highest HIV prevalence in the region at 6.6%, followed by Masindi at 5.1% and Kagadi districts at 4.6%. This higher prevalence is attributed to… Continue reading Oil discovery blamed for increasing HIV in Bunyoro

Categorised as Health

Fighting mental health: Uganda’s tough choice between prevention and ensuring youth adhere to treatment

Photo: Net.

Uganda is among countries that continue to grapple with mental-illness with neurological disorders, and substance abuse weighing heavily on public health. A seminal study by Mugisha et al. (2019)  highlights the severity of the situation. The prevalence of depression and elevated stress levels often spirals into suicide attempts, shedding light on the grim reality faced… Continue reading Fighting mental health: Uganda’s tough choice between prevention and ensuring youth adhere to treatment

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Teen invents soap for treating skin cancer, wins $25,000 as America’s top young scientist

Heman Bekele – 3M. Courtesy Photo.

What if handwashing, a simple measure to prevent the common flu, could also offer protection against skin cancer? The idea may sound audacious, but it wasn’t conceived by an Anderson Centre laureate; rather, it emerged from the mind of a 14-year-old. Heman Bekele, a 9th-grade student at W.T. Woodson High School in Annandale, Virginia, clinched… Continue reading Teen invents soap for treating skin cancer, wins $25,000 as America’s top young scientist

Categorised as Health

Poor oral hygiene linked to heart attacks, cancer and renal failure

Abnormal bacterial communities in the oral cavity have been linked to liver disease, renal failure, cancers, heart disease and hypertension. The oral cavity is the door to the gastrointestinal tract and the rest of the body. Like the gut, the mouth is home to several diverse colonies of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. It’s the second largest microbial community in humans, after the gut. More than… Continue reading Poor oral hygiene linked to heart attacks, cancer and renal failure

Categorised as Health

Foods good for your health

Photos: Net.

Banana was named the first superfood after World War II being a good source of potassium. They are also rich in Vitamin B6 and fiber. There are many foods which are nutrient-dense that have a myriad of beneficial impact on your health, and are of the heroes of the grocery store. The Albertine Journal research… Continue reading Foods good for your health

Categorised as Health

Easy Stretches to Prevent Back Pain

A woman-stretching. Net Photo.

From slouching at your desk to overdoing it at the gym, many everyday activities can lead to back pain. Regular stretching helps protect your back by increasing flexibility and decreasing the risk of injury. Done after strengthening exercise, it also helps prevent muscle soreness. Safe s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g tips Talk with your healthcare provider before starting a… Continue reading Easy Stretches to Prevent Back Pain

Frustration mount in community over poor service delivery at Hoima hospital

Hoima City Woman MP Asinansi Nyakato interacting with patients at Hoima hospital on May 20. Photo: Robert Atuhairwe/The Albertine Journal.

At the front gate near the main entrance, a waste spilling cesspool warns of surprises awaiting a first time visitor inside Hoima regional referral hospital perimeter. Once a model healthcare facility, faultless and immaculate, it has become a veritable shadow of its former self. Residents are struggling for access to quality healthcare. This has been… Continue reading Frustration mount in community over poor service delivery at Hoima hospital

Don’t use non-sugar sweeteners for weight control-World Health Organisation

WHO Photo.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a new guideline on non-sugar sweeteners (NSS), which recommends against the use of NSS to control body weight or reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). The recommendation is based on the findings of a systematic review of the available evidence which suggests that use of NSS does… Continue reading Don’t use non-sugar sweeteners for weight control-World Health Organisation

Gavi launches new learning initiative to address the final barriers to immunisation equity

Lilian Tuhaise a nurse at Buseruka health centre III in Hoima district offers an Oral Cholera Vaccination in 2015. Credit: Robert Atuhairwe/The Albertine Journal

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) has launched the Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH), a new mechanism to improve how data and evidence are leveraged to successfully identify and reach the millions of children who have not yet received a single routine vaccine shot – “zero-dose” children – and the missed communities in which they live. The… Continue reading Gavi launches new learning initiative to address the final barriers to immunisation equity

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