The deep economic roots that brought Kenya’s Gen-Z onto the streets

Kenya protest on June 25. Credit: CNN

The generation of Kenyans born between 1997 and 2012 – the Gen-Zs – have borne the brunt of the country’s slow economic growth. If a country has slow economic growth, it typically experiences higher unemployment rates, reduced income levels and decreased investments. It leads to an overall lower living standard. Over the last 10 years,… Continue reading The deep economic roots that brought Kenya’s Gen-Z onto the streets

Categorised as News

Increasing taxes: is targeting small businesses the solution?

Fred Wakisa (extreme right), the executive director Kolping Holdings receiving an award from Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) for being tax compliance in the 2017-2018 financial. Credit: Robert Atuhairwe/The Albertine Journal.

Uganda, with a fiscal deficit of 5.6% in 2023, has increasingly turned to local resources to make up for its revenue shortfall since the World Bank suspended its funding on 8 August 2023 over the country’s anti-homosexuality law. In early April 2024, traders in downtown Kampala protested against what they saw as high taxes and harsh enforcement tactics of the Uganda Revenue Authority.… Continue reading Increasing taxes: is targeting small businesses the solution?

Categorised as Business

Expert tips on talking to teens about sex

Continuous dialogue allows parents to provide ongoing guidance. Net Photo.

The “birds and the bees”. The “facts of life”. Whatever you call it, many parents dread discussing sex and sexuality with their teenagers. They may be embarrassed, or worried that they don’t understand some concepts. In some countries, cultural norms may mean it’s considered inappropriate for adults and adolescents to talk about sex. However, these are conversations… Continue reading Expert tips on talking to teens about sex

Categorised as Opinion

Supporting your child’s education: four helpful steps

Mother Helping Son With Homework. Net Photo.

Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children’s learning. Their involvement lays the foundation for success both inside and outside the classroom. This makes a parent’s consistent support and nurturing important at every stage of formal schooling, and even before that. The key lies in creating a supportive and encouraging environment at home. In… Continue reading Supporting your child’s education: four helpful steps

Categorised as Education

The perspective of journalists on carrying out their duties: insights into press freedom in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda

Democratic Party President General Norbert Mao addressing Reporters in Hoima in 2013. Photo by Robert Atuhairwe.

A majority of the world’s population has experienced a decline in press freedom in recent years, according to a UN report. In east Africa, the results are mixed and debatable. In Rwanda, both international press freedom rankings and journalists on the ground say press freedom has increased over the past 10 years. In neighbouring Uganda, both international rankings… Continue reading The perspective of journalists on carrying out their duties: insights into press freedom in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda

Categorised as News