Cane spillage hits Masindi

Pedestrians look on as workers clear heaps of cane scattered all over the road at Kijuura in Masindi town on Sunday. Photo by Steven Wandera

Heaps of cane scattered all over the road, ‘welcome’ visitors entering Masindi town especially from the neighbouring districts of Hoima and Buliisa. Covered with flies, the spillage is allegedly caused by trucks which drop cane while transporting it to Kinyara sugar factory making the town look untidy hence compromising it’s hygiene. A search conducted in… Continue reading Cane spillage hits Masindi

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Masindi health centre run by one nurse

The only Nurse attending to a patient at Kasongoire Health Centre II in Budongo Sub-County in Masindi district. Photo: Steven Wandera.

Residents of Kasongoire Parish have decried the absence of health workers at Kasongoire health centre II in Budongo Sub-County, Masindi district. The LCI chairperson for Kisagura village, which hosts the facility, Julius Bagonza, told The Albertine Journal that the facility has three health workers, but only one has reported for duty in a year. A health… Continue reading Masindi health centre run by one nurse

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