
Frustration mount in community over poor service delivery at Hoima hospital

At the front gate near the main entrance, a waste spilling cesspool warns of surprises awaiting a first time visitor inside Hoima regional referral...

Don’t use non-sugar sweeteners for weight control-World Health Organisation

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a new guideline on non-sugar sweeteners (NSS), which recommends against the use of NSS to control body...

East African countries hosting refugees close to borders as a deliberate war strategy

There are close to 4 million people living in refugee camps across Africa. Of the more than 300 camps, nearly 70% are situated within 30km-50km of...

How to combat and reduce citizens exposure to air pollution

Rapid urbanisation in Africa is worsening air pollution levels. There are economic as well as health consequences. Air pollution threatens human health, health systems and economic...

Rising costs of inputs: fear of low production, looming famine grip farmers

Joan Orombi, a resident of Jupayiki village in Goli-Erussi sub-county, Nebbi district, opened a two-acre piece of land to plant maize in the ongoing...


