How Vietnam Defeated Poverty

A Cocoa farmer sun-dries cocoa seeds at a cocoa buying point in Hoima, Western Uganda in 2025. Credit: Robert Atuhairwe/The Albertine Journal.

What these stories all have in common is that these nations rose from poverty by embracing a common formula: more economic freedom and free trade.

Categorised as Politics

The Story of a Novelist’s Wife: The Mukoma, Ngugi, Nyambura Controversy and Lessons for African Literature

R: Photo of Nyambura via Twitter @mukomawangugi | L: by Niccolò Caranti via wikipedia

On March 12, Kenyan author Mukoma wa Ngugi announced on X (formerly Twitter) and on Facebook that his father, the renowned Kenyan author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, had “physically abused” his late mother, Nyambura. This revelation has attracted significant attention. At the time of writing this piece, the Twitter post had amassed millions of views, thousands… Continue reading The Story of a Novelist’s Wife: The Mukoma, Ngugi, Nyambura Controversy and Lessons for African Literature

Carbon tax on shipping to bolster Africa’s capacity for climate resilient trade

A tax on the international shipping could help decarbonise a sector. Net Photo.

With Africa disproportionately affected by climate change and its impacts worsening other structural deficiencies, climate-resilient development is urgent. African countries are well aware of this and are committed to adapting to and mitigating climate change as demonstrated by their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The difficulty is that implementing these national climate plans costs around $2.8 trillion between 2020 and 2030 (or about $250… Continue reading Carbon tax on shipping to bolster Africa’s capacity for climate resilient trade

Categorised as News

Traits of highly intelligent women

Intelligent women are often voracious readers, constantly seeking to expand their knowledge and understand the world around them. Photo: Net.

Intelligent women possesses a rich tapestry of traits that contribute not only to their personal success but also to the advancement of society. By celebrating and nurturing these traits, we can empower more women to break barriers, pursue their passions and make lasting contributions in their fields of endevour. But one may not recognise characteristics… Continue reading Traits of highly intelligent women

Categorised as Lifestyle

What factors can guarantee success for Uganda as it positions itself to become an oil-exporting nation?

Micah. Photo: Courtesy.

Uganda entered into agreements in 2012 with two foreign oil entities to exploit its oil resources. Total Energies holds 56.67% of the joint venture partnership and China National Oil Offshore Company (CNOOC) has 28.33%. Through Uganda National Oil Company, the government owns the remaining 15%. Production is due to start in 2025. As part of the production sharing agreement, the… Continue reading What factors can guarantee success for Uganda as it positions itself to become an oil-exporting nation?

Categorised as Opinion

Teen invents soap for treating skin cancer, wins $25,000 as America’s top young scientist

Heman Bekele – 3M. Courtesy Photo.

What if handwashing, a simple measure to prevent the common flu, could also offer protection against skin cancer? The idea may sound audacious, but it wasn’t conceived by an Anderson Centre laureate; rather, it emerged from the mind of a 14-year-old. Heman Bekele, a 9th-grade student at W.T. Woodson High School in Annandale, Virginia, clinched… Continue reading Teen invents soap for treating skin cancer, wins $25,000 as America’s top young scientist

Categorised as Health

Gabon’s government warns of arrests over money collected for work not done

Gabon's military-appointed Prime Minister, Raymond Ndong Sima.

Military rulers in Gabon on Tuesday threatened to arrest the heads of businesses who have collected money for work that was not performed. While ordering the resumption of work at utility and construction sites after years of abandonment, Gabon’s military-appointed Prime Minister, Raymond Ndong Sima, told state TV that the junta-led government will ask contractors… Continue reading Gabon’s government warns of arrests over money collected for work not done

Categorised as News